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Our Worship

At St. Jude’s, worship is our primary work – and the work of all people. We come together weekly to pray, learn, sing, and gather around God’s table. We encourage you to join us for these beautiful and meaningful times when we become better connected with God, each other, and our own best self.

Regular schedule of Sunday Services 
9:30 a.m. – Adult Education
10:30 a.m. – Worship with Choir

Youth Group – after 10:30 a.m. worship service

Special Services – We often have celebrations such as Baptisms and the blessing of animals, or pastoral services like our remembrance of loved ones. From time to time we will try different styles of worship to help us learn and grow. These have included a “U2charist,” historical services, and liturgies from the Taize community in France. See The Beacon for more information about coming opportunities.

More personal, pastoral worship services such as weddings, funerals, the blessing of a home or new child, or the reconciliation of a penitent (sometimes called confession) are an important part of a Christian life. To talk to our priest about one of these or other options, you can call the office at (810) 629-5681.